Minecraft Dining Room Ideas

Minecraft Dining Room Ideas

Welcome back to another week of furniture building tips! For new readers, this is a series I do that features basic furniture designs for Minecraft. Sorry that I missed last week, I was out of town and couldn't work on it. This week, I'm going to be doing dining table designs, to go with the chairs from last week.

A somewhat classic design, piston tables have the advantage of being a single block that forms the shape of a table. This allows you to place multiple together without the "legs" connecting, unlike fence designs. Piston tables have the unique characteristic of being able to contract into the ground if unpowered, allowing interesting table designs that appear from the ground. Alternatively, carpets can be used as colored table cloths, however the piston must be continuously extended, or the carpet will break. Personally, piston tables are not something I have used in years. The fact that they take up a block beneath them, and need to be powered, make them difficult to fit into a build.


Another very old, and much more adaptable design is simply a fence with pressure plate above. It looks like a small table, what else can I say. Unlike the piston, the block beneath can be whatever, and does not need to be powered. This design has two major disadvantages however. For one, several placed together are not connected as pressure plates are less than a block in width, and two, the pressure plate can be activated (making noise) if you move too close to it. Once the most common table design, the fence + pressure plate table has generally become outdated by newer mechanics.


A simple improvement on this design is replacing the pressure plate with a carpet. This fixes the problem of space between table segments, as well as the problem of the pressure plates activating. They also have the advantage of more customizable color!


Another advantage is that carpets can be placed on string. This means, that unlike all previous designs, you can space out the legs on a larger table.


The legs of the tables can also be switched out for iron bars, glass panes, cobblestone walls, and endrods.


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With the addition of trapdoors that don't have holes (spruce trapdoors), similar designs to the older carpet/pressure plate designs, as well as new, more interesting designs. First, here's the simplest design, just replacing the carpet with a trap door. Like the carpet design, space can be placed between the legs of the table, however, unlike the carpet design, string is not required, as trapdoors do not need to sit on top of blocks.


While this design is relatively boring, trapdoors allow us to do a lot more interesting things. The first, pictured below, replaces the table legs with trapdoors. It's a simple way to make tables look unique. As shown, this method can be used to make "desks" with legs on either side, while looking only one block wide.


Another design utilizes a central piece made of a wider log.


A less orthodox design uses stairs and slabs to make a thicker looking table.


In the last furniture posts, I mentioned taller chairs that work better with taller tables. Now it's time for the other side of that, the taller tables themselves. By replacing what would be a carpet/trapdoor/pressure plate with a slab, the table becomes much taller. While too tall for normal chairs, it works with certain taller chairs.


Bonus Design: Cups and Plates


Minecraft Dining Room Ideas

Source: https://minecraft-inspo.tumblr.com/post/173367598294/furniture-friday-2-dining-tables

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